Health, care and education working together

Welcome to the Kent and Medway Health and Care Academy.

The Academy is a partnership of organisations dedicated to making Kent and Medway a great place to live, learn and work, and is here to support you on your career journey.

This website is your single point of contact to be able to access information about what careers are available in health and care, taking your first step into employment or career progression through gaining functional skills, apprenticeships, volunteering, T Levels, employability programmes and much more. All the information you need to make an informed decision about your career can be found right here.

Making Kent & Medway a wonderful place to...

  • Live

  • Learn

  • Work


About careers

Would it surprise you to learn that there are over 350 different jobs available in the NHS alone? And how much do you know about the careers available in the care sector? Find out about the many different roles across health and care and how you might build a career in them.

Career pathways

How do you develop your skills, knowledge and behaviours to be able to enter into a role in health and care? Find out about the many pathways into different careers, from entry-level to career progression. Whatever your educational background, there are always opportunities to develop your knowledge and progress on your journey to your dream career.

Photograph of Mark Knight and colleague

Get involved

Whether you are a teacher, educational representative, adult learner, student, or someone curious to find out more about health and care careers, find out more about local career education events happening near you and how to contact one of our health and care ambassadors to answer your specific questions. Visit the vacancies area to see the current opportunities available for work experience, volunteering and T Levels. 

Industry insights

What is it really like working in health and care in Kent and Medway? Hear stories from our amazing local workforce about their experiences and career journeys. 

Suzie Sackey, RNDA 1
Photograph of presenter and audience at an Academy event


It takes a village to be able to deliver transformational, sustainable health and care services and careers education. The Academy works with health and care employers, education providers and many more organisations from Kent and Medway to deliver the best possible careers education, information, advice and guidance to our local community. Find who our local partners are, learn more about what they do and explore their career, apprenticeship, volunteering and work experience opportunities.

Kent and Medway Academy Staff Hub

For those already working in health and care (or seeking specific information on a career pathway) - visit the hub to access information, advice and guidance relevant to your professional group.

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What makes an apprenticeship so good to do is that you aren’t just studying in a classroom and reading theories, you are also learning on the job, in the real world and this is so impactful.


Wendy Thomas

NHS Kent and Medway Learning and Development Manager

L5 Coaching Apprenticeship 

If anyone is considering a career in midwifery, I would say ‘do it’. I made the jump into midwifery age 35, with three small children, and I have not regretted a day yet. It's the hardest but most rewarding job and I wish I had made the jump from finance into midwifery sooner

Keeley Randall

Midwifery degree apprentice 

Care might be seen as just doing personal care but its so much more than that and you make new friends too. It’s a privilege to care for people, particularly when we care for people nearing their end of their life - we need to make it special for them.

I would love to do some nursing care so undertaking the L4 Nursing Associate apprenticeship would be great. It’s a role that sits between a senior care worker and a qualified nurse.


Tiffany Sims

Level 2 Health and social care apprenticeship

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