BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//NONSGML Sandhills Development\, LLC//NONSGML Sugar Calendar Fe eds v3.4.0//EN X-WR-CALNAME:NHS Kent &\; Medway Health &\; Care Academy X-WR-CALDESC: X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 DTSTART:20230326T010000 TZNAME:BST END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 DTSTART:20231029T010000 TZNAME:GMT END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 DTSTART:20240331T010000 TZNAME:BST END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 DTSTART:20230326T010000 TZNAME:BST END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 DTSTART:20231029T010000 TZNAME:GMT END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 DTSTART:20240331T010000 TZNAME:BST END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Skills 30:30 Speednetworking with students DESCRIPTION:Skills 30:30 invites up to 30 people from industry to engage directly with students.\nThe programme for the morning is as follows:\n \n 9.00am – 10am : students take part in skills and employability wor kshop.\n 9.30am – 10am : people from industry arrive for registration \, networking and briefing session.\n 10.00am – 11am : speed networki ng bringing students and people from industry together.\n\nThe networkin g session helps students build their confidence giving them experience t o develop conversations in a safe environment and enables them to meet a wide range of people from varying business environments.\n\nTo book att end this Skills 30:30 event please via this link – https://forms.offic URL;VALUE=URI: 0-speednetworking-with-students/ UID:urn:uuid:a4d0da4b-054f-47d6-8fea-5343c1e2b42d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230921T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230921T110000 LOCATION:St George's School\, Broadstairs END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Skills 30:30 Speed networking with students DESCRIPTION:Skills 30:30 invites up to 30 people from industry to engage directly with students.\nThe programme for the morning is as follows:\n \n 9.00am – 10am : students take part in skills and employability wor kshop.\n 9.30am – 10am : people from industry arrive for registration \, networking and briefing session.\n 10.00am – 11am : speed networki ng bringing students and people from industry together.\n\nThe networkin g session helps students build their confidence giving them experience t o develop conversations in a safe environment and enables them to meet a wide range of people from varying business environments.\n\nTo book att end this Skills 30:30 event please via this link – https://forms.offic URL;VALUE=URI: 0-speed-networking-with-students/ UID:urn:uuid:311c5fbf-e007-4fb0-b189-083357e6dd68 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231018T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231018T110000 LOCATION:Hartsdown Academy END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Employability Festival DESCRIPTION:Engage with students from a variety of disciplines and year groups at online or on-campus events on the Canterbury or Medway campuse s. Raise brand profile with Kent students by sharing industry insights a nd opportunities at promo stands/drop ins\, industry insights\, career j ourneys or skills development presentations and workshops\, networking a nd alumni events.\n\nBooking required for each organisation - https://fo JLignLwXAf969UNVVBN0JZQlFCT0xYVUZXVk45VVJFSTRKSy4u URL;VALUE=URI: ity-festival-2023/ UID:urn:uuid:23e6038b-0fd9-4a4e-b898-21739ac82fd2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231009T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231020T020000 LOCATION:University of Kent END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National Apprenticeship Week 2024 - Apprenticeships for all DESCRIPTION:Kick off National Apprenticeship Week 2024 by learning all t here is to know about apprenticeships in health and care in Kent and Med way.\n\nClick on the image below to follow the link.\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: pprenticeship-week-2024-apprenticeships-for-all/ UID:urn:uuid:157211d5-38b8-4599-b0f7-0c573a55fd83 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240205 LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Kent Further Education - Digital Skills and Innovation in Care C onference DESCRIPTION:East Kent Colleges Group is pleased to present the LSIF Digi tal Skills and Innovation in Care Conference. We hope your will join the conference delegation and participate in discovering more about and dri ving forward the use of digital technologies...\n\nClick this link to re gister \n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: er-education-digital-skills-and-innovation-in-care-conference/ UID:urn:uuid:12e9b04f-2b3f-498b-9ed0-1bb62125ac12 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240222T083000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240222T141500 LOCATION:Ashford International Hotel\, \nSimone Weil Ave\, \nAshford \nT N24 8UX\, UK END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Kent Further Education - KFE4Skills 2023 DESCRIPTION:KFE4Skills is Kent &\; Medway's FE inter-college student skills competition. There are over 25 industry competitions engaging 200 + students! Register now - closes 5pm 19th Feb 2024.\n\nClick here to fi nd out more and to register URL;VALUE=URI: er-education-kfe4skills-2023/ UID:urn:uuid:e137a7f2-9f22-4e9c-8627-c88327543c9d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240229 LOCATION:Locations are on the KFE site END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Maidstone Tunbridge Wells - 350 Careers\, One NHS\, Your Future DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: tunbridge-wells-350-careers-one-nhs-your-future/ UID:urn:uuid:7af141ab-9aa3-4c3a-93fb-cf849046dcc5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240206T180000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240206T190000 LOCATION:Online - register by scanning the QR code END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National Apprenticeship Week - Employer Tuesday DESCRIPTION:Click here to be forwarded to the National Apprenticeship We ek - Employer Tuesday page  URL;VALUE=URI: pprenticeship-week-employer-tuesday/ UID:urn:uuid:756fc08b-ca52-482a-a322-5c93f7ebc2eb STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240206 LOCATION:Online ues/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National Apprenticeship Week - Apprentice Wednesday DESCRIPTION:Click here to be forwarded to the National Apprenticeship we ek - Apprentice Wednesday page  URL;VALUE=URI: pprenticeship-week-apprentice-wednesday/ UID:urn:uuid:d720c84a-43e1-41ca-9dbe-886bb7af1ae0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240207 LOCATION:Online - / END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National Apprenticeship Week - T Level Thursday DESCRIPTION:Click here to be forwarded to the National Apprenticeship We ek - T Level Thursday page  URL;VALUE=URI: pprenticeship-week-t-level-thursday/ UID:urn:uuid:f9bddb94-8f34-4c96-963e-3febdf60f905 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240208 LOCATION:Online hursday/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National Apprenticeship Week - Celebration Friday DESCRIPTION:Click here to be forwarded to the National Apprenticeship We ek - Celebration Friday page  URL;VALUE=URI: pprenticeship-week-celebration-friday/ UID:urn:uuid:0634e866-d00e-42e3-8e31-6b530d395ef7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240209 LOCATION:Online on_fri/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Healthcare Science and Science T Level Event DESCRIPTION:NHS Kent and Medway ICB and Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NH S Trust invite Academics and NHS Staff who are involved in the delivery of Healthcare Science and Science T Levels.\n\n \;\n\nDate : 12th Ma rch 2024\nTime : 8:30 to 12:00\nVenue: Academic Centre\, Maidstone Hospi tal\, Hermitage Lane\, Maidstone\, Kent\, ME16 9QQ\n\nThis half day even t will provide an opportunity to meet with and hear from :\n\n Healthca re Science teams\n Allied Health Professions\n Pharmacy teams\n An IC B T Level coordinator\n Apprenticeship teams\n NCFE\n\nAll teams will be sharing insights about enhancing your teaching of T Levels and explor ing the\nNHS’ commitment to T Levels and the careers opportunities ava ilable for students.\nThere will also be plenty of opportunity for netwo rking and Q&\;A with the panel of industry\nexperts.\n\nFor more info rmation please contact: URL;VALUE=URI: -science-and-science-t-level-event/ UID:urn:uuid:f0390c51-d11f-4fff-a188-ebcbd8bfabf8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240312T083000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240312T120000 LOCATION:Academic Centre\nMaidstone Hospital\nHermitage Lane\nMaidstone\ nKent\nME16 9QQ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The STEM Hub - Considering an apprenticeship in healthcare with the NHS DESCRIPTION:For Secondary School Students\n\nJoin STEM Ambassador Abigai l\, an East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust apprentice\, in her final year within healthcare\, specifically in clinical physiolog y within neurophysiology\, a branch of physiology and neuroscience which investigates the function of both the peripheral (nerves) and central ( brain and spinal cord) nervous system. Abigail will talk about neurophys iology\, what her apprenticeship involves\, how her time is split betwee n working and studying\, how she came to study neurophysiology and what she did prior to this.\n\nYou’ll discover how Abigail’s degree appre nticeship enables her to work and study simultaneously whilst earning a wage. If you are considering a career in healthcare science\, or in the NHS in general\, an apprenticeship gives you the opportunity to get hand s on experience whilst you earn and learn\, and allows you to apply the knowledge you gain through university to the work you do every day.\n\nT his live talk\, aimed at secondary students\, will be informative and en gaging and there will be the opportunity to ask questions afterwards.\n \nThis virtual secondary school assembly talk will take place using MS T eams Live. The platform has safeguarding built-in to make it a safe onli ne environment\, especially for young people\, including no webcams or m icrophones and a live Q&\;A function which is fully moderated.\n\nCli ck here to register URL;VALUE=URI: ub-considering-an-apprenticeship-in-healthcare-with-the-nhs/ UID:urn:uuid:7bad57be-7db5-440e-b79d-01380dc8fdab STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240208T084000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240208T091000 LOCATION:Online - Microsoft Teams Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Eating Disorder Awareness Week DESCRIPTION:An international awareness event\, fighting the myths and mi sunderstandings that surround eating disorders\n\nBeat Eating Disorders URL;VALUE=URI: order-awareness-week/ UID:urn:uuid:86893294-f39f-49e3-8e19-99baafd11925 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240225 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240302 LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Rare disease day DESCRIPTION:Rare disease day is a patient led day to working towards equ ality in healthcare\, diagnosis and therapies.\n\nRare disease day  URL;VALUE=URI: se-day/ UID:urn:uuid:5c594549-808c-414c-8952-1b70d1e7fec7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240229 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:International Women's Day DESCRIPTION:Join the Health and Care Women Leaders Network International Women's Day 2024 celebrations on Friday 8 March. Click the link below f or details on how to register.\n\nJoin the Health and Care Women Leaders Network at their IWD 2024 celebration on Friday 8 March\, to be held on Zoom at 10am to 12.00pm. This year’s International Women’s Day cele brations will focus on the theme of #InspireInclusion. The network will highlight tangible initiatives underway to progress gender equality\, ma ke a positive difference\, and contribute to a world where women feel em powered\, included\, and valued across healthcare. Be in great company\, alongside others who are passionate about gender equality – everyone is welcome. Book your free place now and encourage your colleagues and o thers to join too. Delivered by the NHS Confederation\, the Health and C are Women Leaders Network is a free network for all women working across health and care. Join the Health and Care Women Leaders network at www. For the latest updates from the netwo rk\, follow us on X at @hcwomenleaders and LinkedIn.\n\nCelebrating Inte rnational Women’s Day 2024 | NHS Confederation URL;VALUE=URI: nal-womens-day/ UID:urn:uuid:d2ecb393-26b4-45b4-b12b-ee8c303b9a1b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240308T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240308T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Your Future in Healthcare - East Kent Health and Care Partnershi p DESCRIPTION:Join us LIVE on Thursday 7th March at 4.30pm for the East Ke nt Health and Care Partnership – Your Future In Healthcare Broadcast\n \nWith over 350 job roles in healthcare\, this livestream will give a br ief insight into some of the professions and the different working envir onments focusing on skills\, entry routes and progression pathways.\n\nT he healthcare careers livestream will feature:\n\n Pharmacy in acute ho spital and in the community\n One NHS Finance\n Social care in the com munity focusing on learning difficulties.\n\nRegister for the livestream - ip/ URL;VALUE=URI: e-in-healthcare-east-kent-health-and-care-partnership/ UID:urn:uuid:15f4f2f0-addc-4279-8a3a-568c46147dcb STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240307T163000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240307T163000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:International Nurses Day DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: nal-nurses-day/ UID:urn:uuid:c0bfc02a-0440-4ef3-812d-4e56396c44c3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240512 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:International Day of the Midwife DESCRIPTION:On Sunday 5 May midwives across the world will be celebratin g International Day of the Midwife 2024. This year's' theme is at the core of COP28 and strategies to improve the health and status of women. Midwives\, as care providers and defenders of women’s sexual and repr oductive health are key players in designing resilient health systems ca pable of withstanding the worst impacts of climate change\, delivering e nvironmentally sustainable health services\, and empowering women to mak e decisions that benefit themselves\, their families and the planet. Mi dwives are climate activists. We hope that midwives\, maternity support workers and student midwives across the globe celebrate in unison.\n\nI nternational Day of the Midwife 2024 ( URL;VALUE=URI: nal-day-of-the-midwife/ UID:urn:uuid:1d414094-5281-4031-88f6-0cd828c46d3c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240505 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Volunteer's Week DESCRIPTION:The NHS is supported by around 2 million volunteers every ye ar and most NHS organisations celebrate their contribution during Nation al Volunteers' Week.\n\nVolunteers' Week – Volunteers’ Week is a cha nce to say thank you for the fantastic contribution volunteers make. (vo URL;VALUE=URI: -week/ UID:urn:uuid:20f454cf-ae46-407b-a95d-62241ad6b433 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240601 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240607 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Men's Health Week DESCRIPTION:Led by the Men's Health Forum to raise awareness of preventa ble health issues and encourage men and boys to seek professional advice for health-related problems.\n\nMen's health and the internet | Men's H ealth Forum ( URL;VALUE=URI: h-week/ UID:urn:uuid:919a0989-c3ae-45c6-bd6f-e69f1d06449b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240612 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240618 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Finance Insights Placement Scheme Webinar for Year 13 students a nd education providers DESCRIPTION:East Kent health and care partnership\, One NHS Finance and the South East Regional Finance Academy are inviting young people in yea r 13 (or equivalent)\, colleagues and parents /carers to join us for the NHS finance insights placement scheme webinar to find out more about th e programme and how to apply.\n\nThe scheme is aimed specifically at stu dents from lower socio-economic backgrounds who are not planning on atte nding university.\n\n lth-and-care-partnership/ - careers livestream on demand\n\nRegister for  the webinar : Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Team\n\nClick the li nk below to find out more:\n\nNHS Finance Insights Placement webinar on 17th April URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:ba2d84f7-24bb-45dc-a4b8-54e2e7ffab3c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240417T123000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240417T131500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual Reality Simulation for Medical Educators DESCRIPTION:Virtual Reality Simulation for Medical Educators\n\n \;\ n\nIn collaboration with the University of Oxford\, OxSTaR Simulation Ce ntre &\; OMS (Oxford Medical Simulation)\n\n \;\n\nJoin the OxSTa R expert VR faculty in the idyllic setting in the heart of Oxford for an interactive day of workshops\, lectures and panel discussions. This cou rse is directed at educators wanting to understand virtual reality: the tools\, its applications and how it can be successfully embedded within a curriculum.\n\n \;\n\nFriday 19th April 2024\n\nUniversity of Oxfo rd\, Worcester College\, Nash Suite\n\n08:30 welcome coffee – 17:00\n\ n£175 per person ( all catering provided)\n\n24 places available\n\nTo book OxSTaR | University of Oxford (\n\n&nb sp\;\n\nAimed at : Medical educators\, simulation practitioners\, doctor s\, nurses\, allied health professionals who have an interest in expandi ng their experiences with technology enhanced learning\n\n \;\n\nWhy this course: Are you looking to understand how\, why and what virtual r eality can do to improve learning in your centre? Join the Oxford Univer sity Virtual Reality simulation Team in the idyllic setting of Worcester College\, Oxford where they will share their experiences over the past 4 year in building VR into medical curricula\, working with VR technolog y and improving the experience for the learner and educator\n\n \;\n \nCourse outline: Full day of lectures and hands on workshops including individual and team support to explore how to build a bespoke VR based c urriculum\n\n \;\n\n Principles and differences of VR simulation\n Why\, When and How in VR\n VR hardware\, software and finances: where to start &\; finish\n Interactive workshops with expert faculty\n\n& nbsp\;\n\nAny questions please contact URL;VALUE=URI: ality-simulation-for-medical-educators/ UID:urn:uuid:1ea51e09-b5e9-4c34-b889-200f1eb06761 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250223T024620Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240419T083000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240419T170000 LOCATION:University of Oxford\, Worcester College\, Nash Suite END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR