Kent & Medway Health and Care Academy

Recruitment guidance

Click the links below for guidance on how to navigate the health and care recruitment system to help you achieve application and interview success.

10 steps to employment

  1. Visit our Vacancies page and register for an account on for NHS roles or visit the Kent Care Professionals job board to find jobs in the care sector
  2. Search for suitable roles in your area and apply.
    TIP: On, once you have submitted one application, will save your application details (employment history, qualifications) so you do not have to enter them again if you wish to apply for another role. You will need to update your supporting information section for each application.ย 
  3. Your application will be longlisted and scored against the job description and person specification
  4. If successful, you will be shortlisted and asked to attend a panel interview in person or virtually
  5. You may have other recruitment stages such as being asked to provide a written assessment or give a presentation
  6. If successful, you will receive a conditional offer of employment
  7. The recruitment team will conduct pre-employment checks such as confirming identity, right to work, DBS (disclosure and barring service), professional regulations and qualifications check (if applicable), employment history and reference checks and a work health assessment
  8. Once all checks have been completed, you will receive an unconditional offer of employment. At this stage, you can agree a start date with your new line manager
  9. You will receive your contract of employment
  10. Start date confirmation - once we have received all paperwork and a contract fromย  you will be booked on to induction and mandatory training programmes.

Once you start in your new role, your line manager will take you through an induction process. The purpose of an induction is to welcome you to the role and the team, ensure you have all of the knowledge you need to perform your duties, inform you of local policies and procedures and make you feel supported and comfortable.

Applying from overseas

Visit the Applying from overseas page to check what you will need if you are currently living overseas or do not have British citizenship.

If you have any queries about recruitment in health or care roles, you can contact the Academy to find out more by emailing

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